
Luckily for Tiller, we know our technology, and we’re fully up to speed with wealth management, too. In fact, we know it all inside out. That meant we could create a premium, state-of-the-art digital wealth platform, featuring much better ways of visualising wealth and asset allocation than had ever gone before.

The result was a truly immersive experience, where customers could make more informed choices. The platform also featured a super-slick online identity verification journey that allowed you to scan your driving licence and utility bill with your smartphone. Fast, frictionless, and without the need for paper, envelopes and a trip to the post box. After that, Tiller needed to find a marketing agency – one that understood the complex ins and outs of wealth management. Guess who they turned to, to solve that little problem?


The brand reborn problem.

The Exeter

The modern mutual problem.